Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year?!?

New Years Eve I woke up to a loud crash. It turns out that a pipe had froze and burst causing my ceiling in the living room and eventually the dining room to fall down. We had about 2 inches of water on the floor and many of our things were destroyed. We have been trying to work with our insurance company and contractors to get quotes and things rolling to have our home put back together. Any time this event would be horrible, but it is just right smack in the middle of it all. It really could not be at a worse time.

We have our wedding in 26 days, Pablo's mom flying in from Chile to stay with us for almost 3 weeks....she arrives in 19 days. I will be meeting her for the first time and welcoming her into our home (word used lightly). She will be stuck in a house that has construction workers in it, television only in our bedroom, and 3 rooms that she can use. I hate to bitch and complain but this has been REALLY hard. I am grateful that no one was hurt and I know that Pablo's mom will be understanding. However, I have just been feeling like a big pile of poop. At a time that is supposed to be one of the happiest in my life, I am feeling the worst. It is really amazing that something so small as this little crack in a pipe can cause so much damage.

1 comment:

Tara said...

I am so sorry Mandy! Everything will work out! You are the best and things will come through for you. His mom will understand and be so impressed with the way you handled this crazy situation!

I hope you have a fun RELAXING time with weekend... Sorry I'm not able to make it but will see you soon! I can't wait! Please let me know if there is anything that I can help out with. Take care!