Thursday, May 29, 2008

New House Items

On Tuesday night, we were drifting off to sleep when all of a sudden we heard a loud "boom". Max started barking like crazy. Pabs says "Oh, its just a car back firing". No....the next day we wake up to find that someone blew up our mailbox! People, I couldn't make up this shit if I wanted to. So I took Thursday off with Pabs and we went and bought a new mailbox and spent several hours installing it. I also bought some new plants for my front pots....

There's the mailbox stuff in the background just waiting for us to put it together....
Here is the new mailbox....if someone blows this one up, I am done. I don't need the freaking Penny Saver anyway!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Iron Man

Pabs and I went to go see Iron Man in the theaters today. It was really good! I didn't know that Gwyneth Paltrow was in the her. Robert Downey did a really good job...don't usually like him, but it was awesome!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Doggie Door

After months of having a doggie door laying in our garage, I finally convinced Pabs to put it in. Some are faster to learn than others...

Others do not get that once you are outside, you can also just use that same door to come back in.

Road block and then I love how they congratulate each other at the end. Yes, they do that every time they come back inside.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Here are some up to date photos of my nephew Calen. They were taken at my dad's birthday dinner. I can't wait to see the little guy again!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So my Crème De Mandy is supposed to commence on Saturday. I had my first meal picked out, but cannot find duck anywhere! What's a girl gotta do to get some duck???

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Little Things

I am a big fan of "the little things". You know. When you are in a relationship and someone does the littlest things to show that they care? Sure, big things are nice....but I think it is the little things that really keep a relationship going. Pabs went to the grocery store today without me. I had a party to go to so he made the weekly trip without me. He picked me up my normal weekly run: cottage cheese, fruit, and veggies. The bare minimum that I need to get me through my week. And then he got me a surprise. I open the freezer to find a Ben and Jerry's Crème Brule. The littlest thing, but it shows me that he was thinking about me and wanted to get me something to make me happy. So sweet!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

13 days and counting....

After tossing the idea around for the past two months, I am finally doing it! I come! :)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Stephenie Meyer on Good Morning America

Stephenie was on GMA today about her third novel...the fourth novel is scheduled to come out in August...CAN'T WAIT!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I recently had a Lia Sofia jewerly party and ended up getting a bunch of free jewerly. Everything that I ordered is so pretty! For hosting a party I got this necklace off of the Spring/Summer Catalogue...

Monday, May 5, 2008


Pabs and I went to go see Forgetting Sarah Marshall this weekend. While it is not for the entire family (5-6 full frontal male nudity scenes), it is pretty damn funny! You've got Jesus Christ between your thighs! :)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Get Away!

It is already starting to heat up here in Phoenix. On my way into work the radio station was saying that this weekend is supposed to be the last nice weekend before the heat really hits. I am trying to get Pabs to plan a weekend get away to Sedona. Here are some pics from our last trip up there...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Baby Mama....Two Thumbs Down

I went to see Baby Mama this week and was disappointed. You know those movies where all of the funny parts are in the previews....yup. Pretty much didn't laugh at all.