As I was getting ready for work this morning, I went to grab my purse in the living room. I noticed little blue things all over the living room floor and some torn up paper. It turns out that Moose decided to make a midnight snack out of my box of Cool Mint Zantac that I left on the coffee table. I had a box of 8 that I had opened and a box of 25 that was unopened. Moose went for the box of 25. I was able to find 9 pills around the floor of the living room along with part of the chewed up box. The remaining 16 pills? From Moose's minty breath, I think he consumed them. I called Banfield and they are calling poison control. Instead of going into work today, I am on Moose duty. If he starts to act up I have to take him to Banfield to get his stomach pumped, etc. What is Moose doing right now? Running around the coffee table in circles.
Is he ok?
Mia ate a bunch of Halls off my nightstand once. Of course they were the menthal ones. She ran around the house all crazy. =)
He has been fine. He got sick once yesterday but otherwise has been his normal crazy self. :)
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