Cam and I have been busy the past 2 weekends going to the movies.
We started with All About Steve. I saw the preview for the movie almost 6 months ago and laughed so loud that Pablo gave me the one elbow "shut up" move in the theatre. Well, all I can say is that if he had gone with me to the actual movie he would be giving his elbow a workout. I laughed so hard during the entire movie. It didn't get many great reviews, but I really liked it!

We also went to see Julie and Julia which is a take on the book The Julie and Julia Project. (Yes, this is the book I read 2 years ago and then tried to recreate with one of my family's favorite cookbooks. And yes, you can remind me that my project lasted only a few months.) This movie was cute. Meryll Streep (spelling???) is really good....she looks and sounds just like Julia Child....a little too much....kinda creepy.

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