Today while at work, I was perusing AZ Central for news and came across this story
http://www.azcentral.com/offbeat/articles/2008/11/06/20081106barneybites.html. President Bush's dog, Barney (whom I have met on a previous visit to the White House) bit a reporter! I thought the story was hilarious. When I met Barney he didn't even stop to say "hi"....he ran right past me with a "pooper scooper" aide scurrying after him!
I also was watching the Today show this morning and they did a little bit about what type of dog the Obama girls should get. My vote is for a cocker! I am a little biased....
I saw the same news you did!! I actually saw Barney bite the reporter. I heard the new possible presidential dog is a labradoodle! They are super cute but i heart cocker spaniels too!!
So then the next question is should the President pay for his hospital bill? LOL!
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