Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wedding Cheesecake

Today I ordered our cheesecakes for our wedding. Pablo does not like cake, so in lieu of a wedding cake we are having 6 different cheesecakes from the Cheesecake Factory. Here are the flavors that I ordered: white chocolate raspberry truffle, key lime, dulce de leche, vanilla bean, Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, and red velvet.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Golden Girl...or more like a femal Bob Barker

In order to look good on my big day I decided to do a spray tan at a local salon/spa. Pablo drove me to the spa and waited in the car. It is my first time doing this, and the bronzed girl that showed me back to the room gave me about a 5 second demo of the poses I was to do while in the machine, told me if I forget then just look at the photos on the wall and then she ran out the door. Well people, I am legally blind without my glasses. So I quickly reviewed the charts another time to try and memorize the poses before I stripped down and hopped into the machine. I am pretty sure I did one of the 4 poses twice, but that is another story. I finish up, put my clothes back on and head out to the car. Pablo looks me over and goes "is that it?"- somewhat surprised at my lack of color. I then tell him what bronze girl told me, "it is supposed to darken over time" (said somewhat smuggly). So we start driving around town knocking things off our wedding to do list. A little bit later that morning, Pablo looks over at me in the car and jerks his head back in shock/surprise. I then start screaming "WHAT? DO I LOOK LIKE BOB BARKER???" while pulling down the visor/mirror on the passenger side. Folks- I was orange in the face. I think in turning and completing the 4 poses, you are only to have your face towards the machine 1 time- me? I faced it 3 times. Needless to say, I have been scrubbing my face a little harder when I wash it each day...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

17 Days and Counting

17 days until I marry Pablo and become "Mrs. Balart". Feel like I should have a mini advent calendar in which I pop open and read a little story of our 5 1/2 years together and then enjoy a little piece of chocolate.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year?!?

New Years Eve I woke up to a loud crash. It turns out that a pipe had froze and burst causing my ceiling in the living room and eventually the dining room to fall down. We had about 2 inches of water on the floor and many of our things were destroyed. We have been trying to work with our insurance company and contractors to get quotes and things rolling to have our home put back together. Any time this event would be horrible, but it is just right smack in the middle of it all. It really could not be at a worse time.

We have our wedding in 26 days, Pablo's mom flying in from Chile to stay with us for almost 3 weeks....she arrives in 19 days. I will be meeting her for the first time and welcoming her into our home (word used lightly). She will be stuck in a house that has construction workers in it, television only in our bedroom, and 3 rooms that she can use. I hate to bitch and complain but this has been REALLY hard. I am grateful that no one was hurt and I know that Pablo's mom will be understanding. However, I have just been feeling like a big pile of poop. At a time that is supposed to be one of the happiest in my life, I am feeling the worst. It is really amazing that something so small as this little crack in a pipe can cause so much damage.