Thursday, May 28, 2009

New Playlist

My new rotation for running:
  • E-Pro- Beck
  • Boom Boom Pow- Black Eyed Peas
  • I Believe in a Thing Called Love- The Darkness
  • Charmed- Owl
  • Right Now- Ryan Star
  • Wild Orphan- Vox Jaguars
  • AA 24/7- Dance Area
  • All Dressed In Love- Jennifer Hudson

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Things Done Over the Weekend

  • Pedicure (I finally used "Clubbing till Sunrise")

  • Laying out by my pool

  • Going to John and Terry's Anniversary Party.

(Bre always does such a great job decorating!)

  • Pablo held a baby....this doesn't happen often, people! Bre and I had to force Emily's baby onto the man....he was scared he was going to drop the little dude.

  • Watching our Netflix- Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels and Season Two of Big Love.
  • Swimming with Moose and Max

Friday, May 22, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

A co-worker gave me a bag of old dog toys to give to the pups. At my home, these toys do not last very long. With Moose, aka the beast, they have an even shorter life span. This is what I frequently see when walking into a room....death by Moose attack. How sad.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wild Strawberry Cuppies

I try to bake Pablo's store a treat about once a month. I have been in a baking mood this week. Monday they got my Orange Brownies (thanks to my Paula Deen Magazine) and Wednesday they got some homemade strawberry cupcakes. I got to mash strawberries with my hands. It was fun and the guys really liked them. I got the recipe off of this cool new blog that I found- Check it out...there are some yummy looking recipes on there! :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


So last night after Idol, I watched FOX's new show- Glee. I love it. It makes me want to sing, but I sound nothing like the people on that show. I would not make Glee. I would be Glee's "water girl" or "stage assistant". How sad.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Did Someone say there was Chocolate Puddin Pie?

Cal was trying to waive "bye" to Alan and lick his fingers at the same time!

Monday, May 11, 2009


I always forget to take vitamins, but recently saw an ad for these One A Day's that come in little packets to add to your water. Since I drink almost 60+ oz. of water a day I thought this would be a good fix for me forgetting my vitamins. I bought the lemon-lime flavor and it's not that bad. Kind of reminds me a tad of drinking Theraflu, but not quite that bad. At least it spices up one of my 16.9 oz's of water that I drink!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Growing and Growing....

Moose is still growing....

He is now bigger than Max....

and still growing....

Saturday, May 9, 2009

New Color

We painted our living room acent wall a new color- "Shire Green". I am in love.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Victory is MINE!!!

I won! I won!

"What?" may ask. I have won a steak dinner at Ruth Chris!

Cam and I made a little bet at the beginning of this Idol's season. We chose 4 people that we thought would win and whomever's peeps made it the furthest- won dinner at a fancy restaurant. I have never been to Ruth's and that was Cam's choice so I think we will go there.

Well last night thanks to the Gokey....I won. Cam's last contender, Allison, was booted off of the show. My last and final contender, Danny, somehow made it through. Thanks, Gokey.