Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
The mohawk is back, baby! 
Everytime Pecas gets a haircut, she looks more like a King Charles Spaniel to me than a Cocker Spaniel....

Everytime Pecas gets a haircut, she looks more like a King Charles Spaniel to me than a Cocker Spaniel....

What do you think???
Gag Me!
I have been listening to NPR to and from work each day. Yesterday they were making fun of this song for Hillary...can't stand the b!t@h!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
3 Day Weekend
I have Monday off for President's Day and am trying to get things done around the house. I have been knitting the same blanket for several months now...mainly due to the fact that I don't really spend much time on it. I have declared today Mandy's Knitathon Day...I am not going to stop knitting until I am all out of this yarn. At least I have company from Max.

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Smells like Grandma's

Friday, February 15, 2008
Guest Room

Pabs and I have been in our house for over 6 months now. Our "guest room" was more of a storage room. Now that my family is coming to visit in a few weeks, we had to finally bite the bullet and purchase a guest bed. Sears delivered it on Friday and I quickly got into nesting mode and got the room ready for my parents!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Surprise at Work
For Valentine's Day Pablo was in charge of dinner. Money is tight, so I told him he didn't have to get me anything; he just needed to cook us dinner or make reservations at any type of restaurant. As usual he went above and beyond! This is what was delivered to my office today...

Then for dinner he made filet mignon, mashed potatoes with manchego cheese, grilled mushrooms and for dessert....chocolate covered strawberries! Pabs hit this one out of the park!!!

Then for dinner he made filet mignon, mashed potatoes with manchego cheese, grilled mushrooms and for dessert....chocolate covered strawberries! Pabs hit this one out of the park!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Valentine's Day Gifts
One of my favorite blogs is Jenny works for Kodak and shares some cool photo ideas. One of them is for a candy bar wrapper for Valentine's Day. I decided to use the template she created for my gifts for co-workers. Here is how they turned out!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Bob Marley - Is This Love
Pabs and I have not had a song that is "ours" since we have dated. I always mention songs but he never likes any. The other day this song came on and he looked at me and said this is it....this is our song! We have a song!!! :)
Guess who I met at University of Phoenix...
Monday, February 11, 2008
Go Green!

Today at work I took our new manditory Go Green tutorial and found that my ECP score is 335 and my Carbon Output is 13.6 tons per find out what this means and what your ECP is go to
To lower my ECP, I am pledging to:
1. Start a composte in my backyard
2. Hang up 1/2 of my laundry to dry
3. Plant herbs in my garden instead of buying them in the store
4. Use envio-friendly cleaners...such as vinegar and water
5. Use reusable bags for groceries
6. Place a filled water bottle in my toilet tank
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Birthday and Valentine's Day gifts
Not only is this week Valentine's Day, but Pablo's birthday is the 12th! So, I had to buy him his Valentine's Day gift and his birthday gift! Thinking of one gift is hard enough...two is impossible! For his birthday, I bought him a chair massager that he saw at the Portland airport...

Friday, February 8, 2008
Four Things...
Four things about me that you may or may not have
known, in no particular order. The directions are at
the end.
Four jobs I have had in my life
1. Baskin Robbins ice cream scooper and cake decorator
2. Academic Counselor
3. Teacher
4. Operations Manager
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. The Family Stone
2. Under the Tuscan Sun
3. Tommy Boy
4. External Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Four places I have lived
1. Denver
2. Portland
3. Sacramento
4. Phoenix
TV shows that I watch:
1. Say Yes to the Dress
2. The Office
3. Top Chef
4. The Today Show
Four places I have been:
1. Washington D.C.
2. New Orleans (before the hurricane :( )
3. Whistler Canada
4. Mexico
Four places I don't need to go to again:
1. Walmart
2. Laredo, Texas
3. Gas station bathrooms
4. New Mexico
People who e-mail me (regularly): No particular order
1. My boss
2. co-workers
3. Bre
4. Parents
Four of my favorite foods: (can I only pick four?!)
1. Macaroni and Cheese
2. Cheese
3. Ice Cream
4. Creme Brulee
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. At home under the covers (it's really cold and rainy!)
2. With family in Portland
3. On an island laying in the sun with a margarita in my hand
4. Anywhere with Pabs
Four friends I think will respond:
1. Lorie
2. Beth
3. Louise
4. Tara
Four events I am looking forward to this year:
1. Getting engaged...finally!
2. Going to Chile in October
3. Family visiting in February
4. Losing weight!
known, in no particular order. The directions are at
the end.
Four jobs I have had in my life
1. Baskin Robbins ice cream scooper and cake decorator
2. Academic Counselor
3. Teacher
4. Operations Manager
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. The Family Stone
2. Under the Tuscan Sun
3. Tommy Boy
4. External Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Four places I have lived
1. Denver
2. Portland
3. Sacramento
4. Phoenix
TV shows that I watch:
1. Say Yes to the Dress
2. The Office
3. Top Chef
4. The Today Show
Four places I have been:
1. Washington D.C.
2. New Orleans (before the hurricane :( )
3. Whistler Canada
4. Mexico
Four places I don't need to go to again:
1. Walmart
2. Laredo, Texas
3. Gas station bathrooms
4. New Mexico
People who e-mail me (regularly): No particular order
1. My boss
2. co-workers
3. Bre
4. Parents
Four of my favorite foods: (can I only pick four?!)
1. Macaroni and Cheese
2. Cheese
3. Ice Cream
4. Creme Brulee
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. At home under the covers (it's really cold and rainy!)
2. With family in Portland
3. On an island laying in the sun with a margarita in my hand
4. Anywhere with Pabs
Four friends I think will respond:
1. Lorie
2. Beth
3. Louise
4. Tara
Four events I am looking forward to this year:
1. Getting engaged...finally!
2. Going to Chile in October
3. Family visiting in February
4. Losing weight!
Monday, February 4, 2008
This year for Superbowl Sunday, Pabs and I had our friends Bre and Tommy come over with their dogs. We were all pulling for the Giants and got our wish! :) This was the first play date for either of our dogs and they got along pretty well...a little too well for Max and G-Love. G-Love followed Max around the entire time and would periodically hump him. They are gay lovers. The Superbowl commercials were okay this year...I wasn't really impressed. Some of my favs are the Pepsi bobble-heads, Fed-Ex pigeons, and this...

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