Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

We Lost! :( has a special "customer vote" offer each year. There are six rounds and in each round are three products for people to vote for. The one item out of the three that acquires the most votes has a special discount price. We voted in all six rounds and won 5 out of 6. Out of all of the winning votes 1,000 "random" customers are chosen to actually get the amazing deal. We lost. We were not chosen at all. Poor Pabs. Now he can't have the Christmas present he wants most....the Wii. Usually over $300, I had the chance to purchase this for him for $79 if I was the "chosen one". What might have been...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas Plate

For a team builder, my co-workers and I went to As You Wish and painted pottery. I was going to make something for my nephew...but I don't know his name. Therefore, I decided to increase my number of Christmas decorations. We had so much fun that we are going back in two weeks! Yeah! More Christmas painting!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Chitmas Tree!

We bought our tree early this year....I couldn't wait! I think it's because I get to go home and see Baby Bean at Christmas....I am trying to make the time in between go as fast as possible. I got to put up my decorations that I got on sale last year. My Christmas decorations are slowly but surely growing year by year....really just ornaments. I need to focus more on other decor such as a wreath and some musical items for around the house. I did paint a plate at As You Wish that is Christmas themed....

Roadrunner Park

The dogs LOVE going to the park that is by the new house. I thought that they would be more enthralled with the ducks, but they aren't really that interested in them....they are more interested in the people. After we get home this is what they look like....

Saturday, November 24, 2007

New Paint Color

Here is our new living room/hallway color....Burnt Almond!